Hawthorne Players has presented theatre-in-a-cemetery productions since 2010. The original productions at Valhalla Cemetery included night-time hayrides through the cemetery, with stops along the way where actors appeared from the darkness and portrayed some of the permanent residents who told stories about their lives and times.
In 2022 the event moved to a new venue, the historic Bellefontaine Cemetery in St. Louis. The productions there are done during the day, with audience members transported to sites on trolleys.
The productions are researched, written and directed by Larry Marsh, who has found abundant source material in these lovely cemeteries. Some of the presentations are funny, some disturbing, some inspiring, but all of them are based on the lives of real people, and audiences learn more about St. Louis area history and times.
Tim Callahan, Patrick Brueggen, Therese Melnykov, Ryan Cooper, Ken Clark, Kimmie Kidd, Rennell Parker, Sr., Todd Micali
Todd Micali, Ryan Cooper, Robert Doyle, Kent Coffel, Ken Clark, Colleen Heneghan, Danny Brown
Tickets on sale now for Voices at Bellefontaine 2024!
Tim Callahan as a St. Louis aviation pioneer
Ken Clark as a British spy
Nancy Lubowitz as a major figure in the women's suffrage movement
Todd Micali as an eccentric soap manufacturer
Corrinna Redford as an important figure in the Underground Railroad
John Reidy as a St. Louis brewer who was not German
For Saturday, October 5 tickets visit: https://bellefontainecemetery.org/event/voices-100524/
For Sunday, October 6 tickets visit: https://bellefontainecemetery.org/event/voices-100624/